
Do you want to raise the qualifications of your recruitment team?

Or maybe you feel that your staff lacks managerial skills?

Do you want your salespeople to achieve better results through better communication with customers and the ability to finalize orders?

Or maybe your team needs improvement of internal communication and better organization of work?

Our consultants are able to help your team on a painless path to knowledge!

We offer training:

Recruitment and HR

Recruitment and HR is a training dedicated to recruitment departments.

It includes thematic blocks in the field of:

– Effective management of the recruitment project
– EB in recruitment
– Candidate Experience is essential
– Internal cooperation
– How to recruit in order not to go crazy

Good Manager

This training is primarily for management staff.

The training includes:

– Practical management (workshop format)
– “Difficult conversations” (workshop format)
– How to plan teamwork and career paths
– Budgeting in a nutshell

Communication is the basis of good sales

Good sale is effective sale, one that brings the company profit. The customer remains the focal point, but good communication makes it easier to achieve sales goals.

The training includes the following modules:

– Communication is essential
– Communication in sales or sales in communication
– Effective closing of the sales process

Team communication is the key to high efficiency

Do you have a team in conflict? Or maybe you just feel that something is missing? Invest in a team communication workshop. The training not only integrates, but also increases efficiency through the use of the principles of the team’s functioning developed during the training.

You will find modules such as:

– We’re getting to know each other
– What does your neighbor think?
– Circulation of documents and information in the team
– Diversity of competences in the team

Remember: treat our trainings like LEGO bricks
– you can choose only the modules you are interested in

We can also prepare a training 100% tailored to your needs